Monday, March 9, 2009

Sorry for the wait...

Hey! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated this. Baileigh is taking a nap so I finally have a second to get on here. I'm hoping my camera battery lasts long enough to get some pics and a video or two up here with this post.

Well...Baileigh is growing up so fast! I had to start supplementing her feedings with formula this week after realizing that she wasn't getting enough from me. I was starving the poor girl! Since we've been doing that, she has been a completely different baby! I had my 6 week check-up today and I told her that I wasn't really ok with putting her on formula, but she needed to eat. I think she's going through a growth spurt because she is already chugging 4oz. per feeding...which she should be up to 3 right now. The doctor gave me a prescription for a medicine that is supposed to increase my milk production, which I'm very excited to try.

So...I go back to work next week. I can't believe 6 weeks has flown by as fast as it has. It technically won't be 6 weeks until Friday, but still. My mom is going to be coming up a few days a week to watch Baileigh. I don't exactly know what I'm planning on doing with Baileigh once I go back. My mom coming up is going to be a big help, but she won't be able to come every day. I'm just praying that God will show me the best plan for us.

Actually...I think God has already shown me His plan...Some pretty awesome things are in the works right now. I'm praying that it'll work...if that's God's plan for us! I'm very excited!

Well anyway...let me leave you with some pictures and a video or two from the past week or so. Enjoy!

Baileigh rolling over! (She actually rolled over during her one week pictures. Whether she meant to or not is a different story. She has such strong legs that she can't help but roll sometimes! I thought this was too precious!)

Tummy Time! (gotta love her little tongue!)

she's not a daddy's girl at all is she!

being rocked to sleep by my grandma while we were at my cousins wedding shower