Ok, ok...i knew this was going to happen! I actually have drafts saved from weeks ago when I was trying to update the blog with pictures and video. Since I've been back at work, I haven't been able to get on here and update. So I just wanted to say that we're still here! At Baileigh's 2 month appointment she weighed 10 lbs. 10 oz. and was 22 inches long! She got her shots and was absolutely the BEST baby! She cried for just a brief second but it was coming up on nap time so the shots couldn't be planned at a better time becaue I picked her up and stuck her paci in her mouth and BAM...she was GONE...for like 3 hours!!! She didn't have any reactions to her shot except a little fever...but she never acted like she felt bad. She just ended up having a pajama day with grandma.
She's talking now and loves for you to talk jibberish with her. If you try talking to her like a baby she'll just look at you like you're crazy, but if you repeat the exact sound she makes to you, she laughs and starts talking even more!
I PROMISE I have been taking pictures and video and one day when my computer isn't so slow, I'll post the drafts I have saved when i can get a chance to load the videos and pictures with it. But I have felt so bad that I haven't kept this updated like I wanted to! Bear with me!
Mommy's green eyes and Baileigh's baby blues!