Monday, January 19, 2009

Latest Update..

At Lindsay's appointment this morning, Dr. Ferguson said that she is still at 1 cm dilated. Her cervix is softening so it seems her body is beginning to prepare for labor. Since her due date is January 23, they are going to give Baileigh the rest of the week to come on her own. If she isn't here by Lindsay's appointment on Monday morning, the 26th, she will be scheduled for an induction. Since Baileigh already found her way to the birth canal quite a few weeks ago, Dr. Ferguson is anticipating things to move pretty quickly once Lindsay's body begins labor! They will be doing an ultrasound on Monday to check the babies condition...

Keep checking back! It looks like she will be here by early to mid next week if not much sooner!


Laci Strickland said...

The comments should finally be working now! You can sign in with your google/blogger account and post. If you don't have one, just click Name/Url and type your name. Yuo could also sign as anonymous, but include your name in the comment box! Whatever works for you, but I know Lindsay will enjoy reading them and knowing your thoughts when the baby comes!

Kim said...

Hey Lindsay, this is Laci's mom. I'm so excited its that time. It seems like it was just yesturday that you were taking our pics for holloween. I will check your blog thru out the week to see how everything is coming, yaaaee!!

Ralph and Hazel said...

Hey Lindsay! Ok we are ready to be Auntie and Uncle again!! Lets go little's time! Goodluck with the delivery!! We will pray for you all!

Clippergirl56 said...

Hey Lindsay and Johnny, tell little Miss Baleigh it's time to leave the womb and make her presence in Discovery. We are praying for you.