Saturday, February 21, 2009

smiling in her sleep

whew...we've had some rough days recently...that's why there hasn't been anything new posted in a while. We're really struggling trying to figure out this reflux. It's so sad when such a beautiful baby is crying in pain and there's nothing you can do that makes it better, and when she spits up everything she eats, it's that much more frustrating. But after talking with the doctor this morning on the phone after not getting to sleep until about 8:30 this morning...we're trying the suggestions he gave, and they're helping tremendously. she's sleeping on my lap...which is her third deep sleep of the day. I feel so good when I know she's comfortable. One of the things she does that I love, but haven't had my camera nearby to capture is right as she's going into a deep sleep, she smiles from ear to ear. This video took a while to get and she's not smiling near as long as she usually does, but it's still really sweet and I wanted to share it with everyone. It'll take about 20 seconds into the video to see the first smile, and then when you're close to 35 seconds, you'll see the second one. I'll try to keep my camera nearby to catch a better video.


Anonymous said...

Grandpa says "sleep baby sleep" so your parents can get some rest

Anonymous said...

Grandma says, "thats the baby we know" We will talk to mama about gramar later.

Anonymous said...

Granddad can't spell grammar

Anonymous said...

How precious! She's such a cutie=) I hope you guys get some more solutions to the reflux...I know that can be stressful and hard to watch!

Anonymous said...

Looks like she is right on track!

Alexandra said...

Hey there, hon... a friend of mine's baby has reflux too. She has gotten to where it doesn't affect the sleeping anymore. But the spitting up still happens from time to time... in time it will get better! :)


Laci Strickland said...

Loved this video! SO sweet! We missed you at church Sunday, but hoping you got some rest!!! Sorry to hear poor Baileigh's been in pain. I know it's wearing you guys out, but hang in there, it's going to get easier. Let us know what we can do to help!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lindsay and Johnny - Your blog is darling! Thanks for letting us hold Baileigh the other night at McAlisters. She IS truly one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen! I enjoyed looking at all of your photos and seeing the excitement of having this new baby in your home. This is the hardest part, physically. It will get better and better, just hang in there. I know you are both doing a great job parenting. We also enjoyed getting to meet your other daughter and son. Thanks for including us in your happy time. Hopefully, we will be visiting your church in the next few weeks. Best wishes!
Johnny and Gaye Tennison
3124 McLaren Lane
Winterville, NC 28590

Michelle Lodeserto (Santoro) said...

She is so adorable!!! These are awesome pictures! I love, LOVE, LOVE them.