Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bad Blogger Mama!

So yeah, I totally stink at blogging! I just noticed that my last post was back in April. How sad is that! A whole 7 months has passed! Baileigh is 9 months old now (10 months on Nov. 30th). I can't remember her weight right off the top of my head (I can't remember a lot of things these days!). I have her paperwork from her last dr's appt. still out in the car! But, I do know one thing. She is the best baby in the whole world!
She is a FANTASTIC sleeper! I didn't know babies could sleep as good as she does. She'll go to bed around 8:15-8:30...and not get up till 9, sometimes 10! STRAIGHT THROUGH! She's been sleeping like that for months and I am so grateful! She knows how much I need my sleep! She's so active during the day, too, so I know she's worn out by the end of the day.
She has been crawling since just before turning 5 months old. She has two bottom teeth and no others trying to poke through just yet. She will "furniture walk" everywhere and can crawl up every single step going up our staircase like it's nothing!
She talks all the time (mamamama, dadadada, etc.) She has the BEST smile while lights up the room! She giggles all the time when excited and has the heartiest laugh from her toes when tickled! =)
She LOVES music! (Making it and dancing to it) Any time a song comes on, she starts dancing and smiling/laughing! She's finding that if she hits two things together, it makes a noise. She's got great rhythm. I keep my old keyboard plugged in and turned on at all times. When we're up here in the bonus room, she'll crawl over and start playing something. She even knows the buttons to turn on the "demos". I've caught her singing as she watches TV, too! Who knows! Maybe she'll be a singer or a musician! She's certainly on her way!
She'll eat 2 servings of mashed potatoes and gravy from McAlister's, and before Fuddrucker's closed, she could eat an entire side of mac and cheese! She LOVES Cheetos and Cheerio's and thinks she has a whole mouthful of teeth when she does eat!
Let's see, what I have a lot of ground to cover!
Well...I know there's lots more, but I think instead I'll just leave you with pictures from the last few months...and maybe a video or two! =) Thanks for you loyal blog followers who reminded me it's WAY past time to update!! Till next time!

Baileigh 7 mth's and pulling up!
My 8 month old beauty!
More of my 8 mth. old!
Baileigh on Halloween! My sweet 9 mth. old pumpkin!


My Little Pirate's Booty (no pun intended!)

My 7 mth. old!

Another 7 mth. pic ( thanks mrs. jennifer!)

Friday, April 17, 2009


Ok, ok...i knew this was going to happen! I actually have drafts saved from weeks ago when I was trying to update the blog with pictures and video. Since I've been back at work, I haven't been able to get on here and update. So I just wanted to say that we're still here! At Baileigh's 2 month appointment she weighed 10 lbs. 10 oz. and was 22 inches long! She got her shots and was absolutely the BEST baby! She cried for just a brief second but it was coming up on nap time so the shots couldn't be planned at a better time becaue I picked her up and stuck her paci in her mouth and BAM...she was GONE...for like 3 hours!!! She didn't have any reactions to her shot except a little fever...but she never acted like she felt bad. She just ended up having a pajama day with grandma.

She's talking now and loves for you to talk jibberish with her. If you try talking to her like a baby she'll just look at you like you're crazy, but if you repeat the exact sound she makes to you, she laughs and starts talking even more!

I PROMISE I have been taking pictures and video and one day when my computer isn't so slow, I'll post the drafts I have saved when i can get a chance to load the videos and pictures with it. But I have felt so bad that I haven't kept this updated like I wanted to! Bear with me!
Mommy's green eyes and Baileigh's baby blues!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sorry for the wait...

Hey! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated this. Baileigh is taking a nap so I finally have a second to get on here. I'm hoping my camera battery lasts long enough to get some pics and a video or two up here with this post.

Well...Baileigh is growing up so fast! I had to start supplementing her feedings with formula this week after realizing that she wasn't getting enough from me. I was starving the poor girl! Since we've been doing that, she has been a completely different baby! I had my 6 week check-up today and I told her that I wasn't really ok with putting her on formula, but she needed to eat. I think she's going through a growth spurt because she is already chugging 4oz. per feeding...which she should be up to 3 right now. The doctor gave me a prescription for a medicine that is supposed to increase my milk production, which I'm very excited to try.

So...I go back to work next week. I can't believe 6 weeks has flown by as fast as it has. It technically won't be 6 weeks until Friday, but still. My mom is going to be coming up a few days a week to watch Baileigh. I don't exactly know what I'm planning on doing with Baileigh once I go back. My mom coming up is going to be a big help, but she won't be able to come every day. I'm just praying that God will show me the best plan for us.

Actually...I think God has already shown me His plan...Some pretty awesome things are in the works right now. I'm praying that it'll work...if that's God's plan for us! I'm very excited!

Well anyway...let me leave you with some pictures and a video or two from the past week or so. Enjoy!

Baileigh rolling over! (She actually rolled over during her one week pictures. Whether she meant to or not is a different story. She has such strong legs that she can't help but roll sometimes! I thought this was too precious!)

Tummy Time! (gotta love her little tongue!)

she's not a daddy's girl at all is she!

being rocked to sleep by my grandma while we were at my cousins wedding shower

Friday, February 27, 2009

4 weeks old today!

Enjoy these pics of our sweet baby girl!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

smiling in her sleep

whew...we've had some rough days recently...that's why there hasn't been anything new posted in a while. We're really struggling trying to figure out this reflux. It's so sad when such a beautiful baby is crying in pain and there's nothing you can do that makes it better, and when she spits up everything she eats, it's that much more frustrating. But after talking with the doctor this morning on the phone after not getting to sleep until about 8:30 this morning...we're trying the suggestions he gave, and they're helping tremendously. she's sleeping on my lap...which is her third deep sleep of the day. I feel so good when I know she's comfortable. One of the things she does that I love, but haven't had my camera nearby to capture is right as she's going into a deep sleep, she smiles from ear to ear. This video took a while to get and she's not smiling near as long as she usually does, but it's still really sweet and I wanted to share it with everyone. It'll take about 20 seconds into the video to see the first smile, and then when you're close to 35 seconds, you'll see the second one. I'll try to keep my camera nearby to catch a better video.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Look at my sweet girl!

I thought this was so sweet! These are the little hairbows we sell at the store. They've always looked so tiny to me, so when I was up there visiting yesterday, Baileigh fell asleep and I figured it would be the perfect moment to try the bow on. It looked so big on her tiny head! But she was so precious, I had to snap a pic!

She's actually passed out on my lap after a busy morning/early afternoon. Daddy came home and wanted to take us to lunch. Outings take a lot out of a girl! Here she is as I type...

Enjoy and have a great day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

One week old pictures!

There aren't that many because I didn't have a lot of time that day...and she started getting a little fussy...but at least I was able to get a few the day she turned a week old!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Baileigh goes to the doctor!

Hi everyone! It's Lindsay again...well after the scare we had last week when Baileigh stopped breathing due to choking on her spit up, we went back to the doctor for her one week check up. When Baileigh was born, she weighed 7 lbs. .06 oz (which they just rounded to 7 lbs. even). Last week at the doctor, she weighed 6.5 lbs. and today she was 6 lbs. 14 she gained 6 oz. since last week! She's been eating like a pig, so I wasn't surprised!

We've had a few long nights of her not wanting to sleep when mommy and daddy are ready to go to sleep. We were sure last night was going to be another one of those nights! However, we were very surprised when she went to sleep at 2 am, she didn't wake up until 6:30! After a short feeding, she went back to sleep around 7:15 and didn't get up until 9:45!!! Boy what awesome sleep Johnny and I got!

So, all in all, things are great! She's adjusting herself to our life really well. Of course, we've adjusted our lives to her here and there, too! =)

I did take her to the studio to take her pictures on Friday when she turned a week old. I haven't had time to go back in and edit them yet, so I don't have those to show right now. But I have snapped a few to share...enjoy!

My mom always said that when you see babies this small smiling like she is, it's because she can still hear the angels talking to her...she must have heard something funny! Isn't she beautiful!!!

ok ok...maybe she looks like Johnny...a LITTLE!!!

I love my daddy! (earlier today waiting to be called into the doctor's office)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Sweet Baileigh!

Hey everyone! It's actually Lindsay blogging this time instead of Laci! Thanks girl for keeping this updated for me. Fortunately I have a little time between naps and feedings to update this!

First and foremost, I would like to thank God for the precious masterpiece that He sent to Johnny and me. She is the most perfect creation I have ever seen! Of course I'm a little partial! =)

She has been an absolute angel and I have enjoyed these past 6 days immensely!
Of course we've had some crazy nights and one REALLY big scare, but all in all, it's been wonderful. The big scare happened on the first morning that she was home. Johnny had taken the kids to school and he had some work he had to go check on, but my brother who had driven all the way from Boca Raton, Fl. was staying with me. He's an athletic trainer and is certified in CPR (among other things). Well the CPR almost had to be used on little Baileigh because she stopped breathing for about 20 seconds! On the second night in the hospital, the nurse had to finally take Baileigh out of the room for about 3 and a half hours so that Johnny and I could get some sleep. She was absolutely inconsolable and we couldn't figure out what was wrong. She still had some amniotic fluid in her little body when she came home, and mix that with breastfeeding, she got a little choked up.
Back to that morning...Jared could hear her having some trouble breathing, so he was coming in to my room to ask where the little suction thing was. I was up and actually on my way into her nursery at the same time, so we met in the middle. I figured that after he sucked some stuff out of her, that I would change her and then nurse her. When I went to put her in her crib to take off the blanket that was wrapped around her, she spit up and then started choking on it. She almost immediately turned blue! Jared...having worked in emergency situations took her from me and started working on getting the fluid out. He held her and I started sucking the fluid out. Jared was at the point where he was going to give her a breath, but she took one on her own instead! We immediately took her to the doctor and he told us she has reflux. So she's on medicine to help her with that. We fortunately haven't had any more scares like that!
Anyway, Baileigh will already be a week old tomorrow. I'm taking her into the studio to take her pictures. I have been waiting so long for this moment. I can't wait to get in there and capture her like I've done for so many other families. I'll add those hopefully tomorrow! Until then, here are a few pics from the week...
Getting her hearing test done...the nurse said she passed faster than any other baby on the hall!

In her carseat for the first time...getting ready to leave the hospital!

Spending time with daddy before getting ready to leave the hospitalOn granddaddy's chest in the same position she was in my belly (only she was upside down!)

This morning in her bassinet...isn't she just gorgeous!!!
Being lazy... but oh so sweet!!!Time for her first bath!

More pics to come later...enjoy!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Last post for tonight..

I'm no longer at the hospital, but I snapped a few more pics before I left. I know Lindsay and Johnny will be wanting to get some rest pretty soon.
What a great day with such a smooth delivery. Lindsay has alot to be proud of!!
Keep them in your prayers tonight for an easy first night with the baby.

Here are some pics of Baileigh, I appologize in advance if I put up any duplicates! There are just so many good ones I don't want you to miss. I went back through my pics and tried to put up any I missed before.

Finally the hard work is done and Miss Baileigh is here..

Perfect tiny toes...
First Family Photo

They were giving Baileigh a physical and checking her out head to toe!

Here she is after she had her first shots :(

This is Lora, Lindsay's amazing birthing coach. I know Lindsay mentioned several times that she couldn't have done it without her! She was wonderful :)

And here I am with Lindsay and Baileigh. Hope you enjoyed the updates, I sure enjoyed being a part of it! :)

I may try and stop by the hospital tomorrow to grab a few more pics if I can :)